Brake Safety Week is an annual brake-safety inspection, enforcement and education initiative for commercial motor vehicles. Every year, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) conduct commercial motor vehicle and driver inspections a myriad of stations for Brake Safety week. During Brake Safety Week, the examiners carry out the typical inspections (North American Standard Level I & V) to capture, and report relevant data to the CVSA.
The results will be released in the fall.
There is no debate that auto-safety is important, but what are the common consequences for cutting corners on brake safety?
Here is the harsh truth:
Brake failure accounts for about about 300,000 crashes per year
Defective brakes were the leading cause of road accidents – where a vehicle defect was a contributory factor – for the sixth year running, new figures suggest
Brake-related violations accounted for eight out of the top 20 vehicle violations in 2020, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
An estimated 22% of collisions involving light vehicles were attributed to brake-related problems, according to 2015 data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
During last year’s Brake Safety Week, 12% of the 43,565 commercial motor vehicles inspected were placed out of service for brake-related violations
Here is some brake safety tips and signs:
According to Buerkle Honda:
Screeching Noise
Pulling to the Side
Low Pedal Pressure
Hard Pedal Pressure
Brake Light Illuminated
According to Sensible Driver
Take it easy in extreme conditions
Are your brakes “spongy”? Could be a sign there is air in the brake line or perhaps a leak
Listen for grinding or scraping sounds when you apply the brakes
According to Molla, drivers should use replacement pads that meet manufacturer’s recommendations
Get your vehicle brakes inspected before your road trip
Utilize the DVIR to increase safety
The Driver-Vehicle Inspection Report's goal is to reduce the number of crashes, injuries, and fatalities involving commercial vehicles. The report aids to ensure that a vehicle can perform optimally and is in proper condition to be operated. The safer vehicle, creates a safer driver, creating a safer road environment.